Filter By

As the amount of data accumulates, it is often necessary to narrow it down to only specific data that is needed for a particular task. You can use filters to retrieve and display only the specific data that you need.

A filter is a set of conditions applied to a table in order to find and work with a subset of the data in that table. Users can apply, modify, create, save and delete filters.

  Filters are user specific.
1. In a column heading, type a few letters of the search criteria.
2. Press Enter. All results matching the search criteria are displayed.
3. If necessary, enter additional search criteria in the Search field to further refine the list.
  Multiple columns can be filtered at the same time. Enter the search criteria in each Filter field and press Enter.
4. To apply multiple filters, type the criteria in the Filter for field. Then press Enter. Both search criteria are applied.
5. To remove the search filter, click the X next to the filter.
6. To save the filtered criteria, click Save Filter.
In the Save Filter dialog box, enter a name for the filter and click Save.
7. To apply a saved filter, click the Saved Filters icon.
The Filters dialog box displays with a list of all saved filters.
8. To select the filter, click the filter name (such as Admin or CBROCK).
9. To set a default, click Set as Default.
10. To delete a filter, click the trashcan icon.